Everyone Matters
Everyone needs to take action on UN call to mobilize for a decade of action on three levels:
- global action to secure greater leadership, more resources and smarter solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals;
- local action embedding the needed transitions in the policies, budgets, institutions and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities;
- and people action , including by youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, unions, academia and other stakeholders, to generate an unstoppable movement pushing for the required transformations.
Regardless of the business size we in SGK understand that every contribution matters, be that an individual or a small business like us. We have committed to the principles of sustainable development, and we act to deliver the change. SGK's agenda is to harmonize three core elements:
- economic growth through effective and responsible corporate management,
- social inclusion through promoting safe work environment and equal opportunity to community members,
- and environmental protection through reduction of waste and green initiatives.
These elements are interconnected, and all are crucial for the well-being of individuals and societies.

2020-2030 UN Focus
At the core of the 2020-2030 decade is the need for action to tackle growing poverty, empower women and girls, and address the climate emergency. SGK's sustainable development plan focuses on tackling these three key goals where our action can make the change. In addition to these elements of our SD policy we maintain effort to contribute with all seventeen sustainable development goals.

Being a responsible business SGK conducts their activities in full compliance with local environmental legislation. Using the latest innovations and technology we reduce environmental impact through:
reduction of waste through efficient fabric use and waste recycle program,
promoting materials manufactured in sustainable way,
introducing durable garments reducing overall apparel turnover.
We monitor the market to ensure our environmental footprint is at its possible minimum to address climate change issues.

SGK has built and maintains a safe and comfortable working environment with care to their employees whi are the core of the company. We take HSE and hygiene at work seriously and our safety culture is realized through rigorous procedures and engineering controls installed at the manufacturing facility.
SGK is a company run by women and girls. Company promotes job positions with culture nurturing gender equality giving opportunity for personal development, work and independence.
We are here to make the change. SGK plays an important role in the local community taking action through support of those who are in need.

As a small business effective corporate management is a guarantee for our company survival. SGK uses the latest information management technology to conduct their business in an effective way reducing cost of administration. This e-commerce system is the client frontend of an ERP implemented in the company where we manage products lifecycle from idea through design sales production to delivery. The goal is to make our customers happy with quality of garments they procure for the value it costs exactly when they are needed.
SGK's culture is zero tolerance to corruption both inside the company where everyone receives what their effort and skills worth and in business, where we do not engage in negotiations outside our ethical standards.
Environmental Factors
Roughly 20 pieces of clothing per person are manufactured each year. Growth of the multi-trillion-dollar apparel industry has been fed by “fast fashion,” which makes clothing cheaply and quickly with a low price-tag. This trend has become one of the biggest challenges for accomplishing sustainable development goals generating excess waste. Similar behavior is observed in the Kazakhstan industry, where care for comfort and safety of personnel is traded for the cheapest lowest quality garments if any at all.
SGK's mission is to act responsibly. When conducting business, we work to develop solutions that last, and we use materials with minimal environmental footprint.
SGK operates following ISO 14001-2016 certified procedures in full compliance with Kazakhstan legislation and local regulations. Our commitment to reduction of environmental impact goes well beyond and above state regulations:
- reduction of waste through efficient fabric use and waste recycle program,
- promoting materials manufactured in sustainable way,
- introducing durable garments reducing overall apparel turnover.
We address the climate emergency in continuous work to reduce our environmental footprint through energy efficiency, waste reduction and conscious use of paper and plastic.
Green workwear garments come at a price. But they are also durable with increased lifecycle. If you want to know more how you can make a change in your business fulfilling sustainable development goals and cutting costs of your PPE program, our sales managers are available to help in your endeavors.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SGK has set up energy consumption limit that can be acquired through generally available power grid. Any further development of the production requiring increasing power should be supported with renewables.
Continuous pressure towards production to reduce waste and effecient usage of raw materials has already made a change. Further development targeting for zero waste is ongoing.
Rational use of water at the facility is inbuilt in our procedures. Regular maintenance of piping network and utilities eliminates possibility of leakages. Water consumption rates are closely monitored and investigations are triggered in case of excess usage with consequent appropriate measures to prevent water consumption growth.

Social Impact
SGK is a responsible employer that has built a safe and comfortable working environment with care to their employees who are the core of the company. We take HSE and hygiene at work seriously and our safety culture is realized through rigorous procedures and engineering controls installed at the manufacturing facility.
SGK's HSE procedural framework and HSE culture successfully passed OHSAS 18001-2007 HSE Management System certification in 2019. It was later updated and renewed to comply with ISO45001-2019 in 2021 keeping up to date with Industry requirements for safety management. As a responsible employer it is our mission to ensure that our colleagues return home to their loved ones after a work shift not harmed and happy for another day creating products that matter.
SGK is a company that is run by women. 95% of staff are girls and women of all ages and cultures. Women occupy key managerial positions in administration, product development and production. We have created a safe work environment, where creativity, independent thinking and equal opportunities for everyone are the foundation for disruptive products we deliver to our clients.
As a part of local community, we never stand aside from the most disturbing happenings in the country. We run several programs that help our community grow and prosper:
- Job opportunities for women are publicly available on our website. Job offers encompass all levels of technical skill proposing on job training at work.
- SGK is open for seasonal work by the young ones proposing great opportunity to gain experience of work with high tech machinery. We advertise this opportunity with local colleges and universities to support young professionals at the early start of the carriers.
- We are always there at the time of the distress. Our product development cycle requires routine production of new protective garments regularly. These are stocked for emergency situations and dispatched at the first call in case of disaster outbreaks or emergency situations occurring in Kazakhstan.
- We care of our young ones in need delivering school uniforms and warm garments to orphanages in the region at no cost.
Working together as a team deeply involved with community and the country we act responsibly inside the team to our customers and other stakeholders that may experience the effect of our business operations.

Goal 1: No Poverty
SGK is always there to help building the resilience of those in vulnerable situations to reduce their exposure and vulnerability to social and environmental shocks and disasters. We maintain stock of warm and protective clothes that are produced through development cycle of new garments. These are released to the areas in shock under the first distress call.
There are open vacancies with minimum qualification requirements and internal on-job training program to develop skills for everyone regardless of age, gender, or culture. Work with SGK to acquire new skills, release your creativity, and change your situation.

Goal 4: Providing quality education for all is fundamental
SGK maintains tight connection with local colleges and universities. Young professionals are welcome at the factory to receive practical training in the production and for early career start. Internal educational program is developed for trainings on machinery usage and product design.
All learners joining our company have ability to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform their duties using high-tech equipment. They are given access to the modern IT systems and software alongside with numerous educational programs ranging from online courses to academic studies. Skillful coaches and mentors are always there to deliver best knowledge and skills to those who thrive for them.

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SGK is an example of how fundamental human right for gender equality was realized into a business created and managed by women. SGK women have full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in company's daily operations. We promote female employment in their thrive for independence and personal development contributing our small disruption to the necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Working with us as a business your contribution to this goal matters.

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
SGK generates new job positions at a regular pace contributing availability of productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.
We condemn forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, child labour in all its forms while protecting labour rights and ensuring safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants.
Corporate Management
As a small business effective corporate management is a guarantee for our company survival. SGK uses the latest information management technology to conduct their business in an effective way reducing cost of administration. This e-commerce system is the client frontend of an ERP implemented in the company where we manage products lifecycle from idea through design sales production to delivery. The goal is to make our customers happy with quality of garments they procure for the value it costs exactly when they are needed.
Our quality management system is designed to track flaws in the production process starting from procurement of raw materials to the corresponding standards through production to delivery at our customers' facilities. The system is certified to comply with ISO 9001:2016 in 2019 first. It was then updated in 2021 with introduction of changes and extended validity through 2024.
The key procedures used to manage our business activities are in compliance with local legislation. On top of it we follow best business management practices in accordance with sustainable development goals:
- Project management for our operations
- Responsible and rational procurement management
SGK's culture is zero tolerance to corruption both inside the company where everyone receives what their effort and skills worth and in business, where we do not engage in negotiations outside our ethical standards.

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
SGK thrives for higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high value added and labour intensive production activities.
As a small enterprise we promote production creating decent jobs through entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SGK goes through upgrade of its infrastructure, replacing deprecated equipment and production processes with more efficient and productive items. We build a sustainable factory with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes.
Recent upgrade of company network switching to a broadband connection has significantly increased access of employees to information and communications technology. This upgrade has enabled faster access to our cloud solutions and triggered further development of IoT introduction into production processes.

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SGK uses environmentally sound management of all wastes, and significantly reduced their release to air, water and soil minimizing their adverse impacts on human health and the environment through implementation of effective material usage, creation of by-products and recycling program. We have reduced waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
Further improvement of technologies used in the production cycle will move us towards even more sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
Learn more about latest technologies to reduce waste production in the industry

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
SGK exploits zero tolerance to corruption and bribery in all their forms. We exsist in contradiction to all governmental and governmental efforts to eliminate small business in Kazakhstan.
Our decision-making processes and negotiations are responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative.
Contact us if you have different experience with our employees. We will sort it.